The latest free printables from HaleGrafx...

FREE Printable Big Hero 6 Hershey’s Kisses Stickers

Here are free printable Big Hero 6 Hershey’s Kisses stickers to theme your sweets and treats at your next party! These fit great on the bottom of Hershey’s kisses or mini Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. Put them them in the favor bags of your big hero team, decorate with them or put them in a

FREE Printable Kawaii Owl Cupcake Toppers

Here are some free printable owl cupcake toppers for your upcoming party. This free printable includes 12 different cupcake toppers and prints all 12 to a sheet from a PDF file. These cupcake toppers are cute little kawaii owls in different poses and color schemes that go nicely with my free printable owl themed invites.

FREE Printable Owl Birthday Invitation Set

Whooo is having a birthday party! Here is a free printable Owl birthday invitation for fans of cute birds, owls and kawaii. This invitation set comes four different colors and in two different formats to give you flexible options to personalize your party. These invitations are decorated with cute litte kawaii owls, tree branches and

FREE Printable Christmas Gingerbread Man Word Art

Gingerbread men always make me think of the Shrek movies now but I love using them for holiday decorations. Here is Free Printable Christmas gingerbread man word art. This printable gingerbread man picture is a high resolution 8×10 inch JPEG that you can print, frame, use for collages, incorporate into your artwork, digital scrapbook and

FREE Printable Big Hero 6 Water Bottle Labels

Baymax and Hiro are here to decorate your water bottle labels! This free printable Big Hero 6 water bottle label set is in PDF format and will make your drinks fun and Heroic for your team of party goers. This PDF prints 3 different Big Hero 6 water bottle labels, 3 to a sheet on

FREE Printable Big Hero 6 Alphabet Banner Pack

It’s Baymax and Hiro to the rescue! This free printable Big Hero 6 banner pack has all the letters in the alphabet and some Big Hero 6 spacer sheets. Each letter is done in the Big Hero 6 style font. Just pick the letters and spacers you want to print to make your own Birthday,

FREE Printable Star Wars Darth Vader Cupcake Toppers

A long time a go in a galaxy far, far away there was a party! Here are some free printable Star Wars cupcake toppers for your upcoming Sith or Jedi party. This free printable includes 5 different cupcake toppers themed with Darth Vader, the Empire and prints 12 to a sheet from a PDF file.

FREE Printable Christmas Santa Chalkboard Art

Show your Christmas spirit with this fun and free printable. This is free printable Christmas chalkboard style art that says “This house believes”. In the middle of the picture is the silhouette of Santa in his sleigh with eight reindeer flying through the night sky. Great for inspiring the hearts and imaginations of your kids