Skeletor Masters of the Universe Illustration
Here’s a fan-art illustration I created quite some time ago of one of my favorite characters in the He-man cartoon I watched as a child. Do you remember Skeletor from He-man and the Masters of the Universe? I loved watching the cartoon and collecting the Mattel He-man figures.
I was fortunate enough to have a couple different skeletor figures. I had the original figure and the battle-armored Skeletor that you could flick in the chest and it would change to take damage.
As for the cartoon I liked watching He-man but I really could’t stand his hair so I really haven’t attempted to draw him. If I ever did I would probably change his hair up a bit. Perhaps I would use the more the modern He-man hair style found in the new cartoon. The skulls and the monsters always appealed to me more as I had a father who tended to draw these himself. He also had many tattoos of skulls and when I was a kid I would emulate his tattoo drawing style so Skeletor was definitely the way to go for me.
When I created the Skeletor I started by illustrating him in pen and ink on Bristol board and I scanned the illustration into Adobe Photoshop for some color.
I’ve been asked a few times about his feet so I thought I would note the modern Skeletor images and figures seem to have more human-like feet with five toes. My figures had boots with three toes so I am not sure if Skeletor has just evolved since the old-days or if it is simply artistic license but I prefered to illustrate his feet after the old style.
Personally I like Skeletor with man feet, but I love how huge you made him here. :)
Thanks for your feedback. I recall doing this loosely based on my old battle armor skeletor figure. In fact I don’t remember any of the old figures having anything but three toes…
Yeah, a lot of the old toy line had those weird tri-feet. It’s supposedly was meant to reflect his possession by Demo-Man being, but later interpretations gave him actual feet since he took control of his own body from him.
My 33 year old son is going to love this! It really grinds him when they take his favorite “classics” and switch things around. The feet are perfect! If you do decide to do a He-Man with switched up hair, he may forgive the change, as long as it is REALLY the real He-Man.
I still have all of his TMNTurtles and Masters of the Universe as well as my daughter’s She-Ra. She is going to want equal time on your sketch pad when she sees this!
Yep, it is me again, from Port Huron, Michigan, on the Canadian border!
Hi Susie, I did this Skeletor years ago. I hope to get time again to just draw some portraits of my favorite childhood Characters. The original He-man and She-Ra would be fun.