04 Sep 2012
Kawaii Sun and Clouds Illustration

Do you like Kawaii? Here is an illustration I recently finished up in this fun style for zazzle products. I created the Kawaii sun and clouds in Adobe Illustrator. Often times, much like I did with this illustration, I sketched the concept on paper first. This Kawaii sun and clouds illustration is now available on
27 Aug 2012
Tutorial: Back to School Color Blanks Figure

As of writing this, it is still technically summer, most students are already in school or in a mass exodus from their homes to go back to school. In light of the new school year the folks at RoseArt asked if I could come up with a back-to-school themed Color Blanks figure. I thought this would be a fun challenge
19 Aug 2012
A Color Blanks Ladybug Out for a Summer Drive

Creating art with Color Blanks is a lot of fun. I started collecting Color Blanks a couple years back when I found them in my local arts and crafts store. In addition to creating many other types of art I enjoy sculpting and creating figures. Modifying Color Blanks gives me the opportunity to create some
11 Aug 2012
Breath of Fire 4 Custom Creatology Vinyl Figure

I created this custom Breath of Fire 4 figure using a Creatology vinyl figure toy that you can get from Michaels stores in my area. As you will see from one of the pictures below, I used a Christmas themed vinyl penguin figure to start. I like working with RoseArt’s Color Blanks but these vinyl figures are a good alternative if you
07 Aug 2012
Octo-Puss, Cat and Octopus Sea Monster Illustration

This Octo-Puss illustration is part of a series of pun drawings I am doing inspired by my departed father. He loved to joke around and loved puns. I keep a list that he and I made on the phone one night a few months before he passed away. He contributed most of the ideas and I kept it
27 Jul 2012
The Legend of Zelda Sailor Midna Statue

Sculpting a Sailor Midna statue was a fun learning experience for me. I was able to learn new skills and techniques through the creative process. This Legend of Zelda Sailor Midna statue is made out of polymer clay, acrylic paint and some electrical components to make LED lights work inside of it. In the past I’ve only made pretty
22 Jun 2012
custom Halloween Color Blanks figure

Around the holidays there are often seasonal Color Blanks. Last year I found Halloween Color Blanks available at Michaels. This was one of the first Color Blanks I ever did a custom version of. This Halloween Color Blanks figure had a pumpkin head and I was immediately inspired to see how I could transform it into something different.
15 Jun 2012
Bigfoot’s Photo Shoot Threadless Design Submission

Here is a Threadless.com design submission I did of Bigfoot getting his picture taken by a photographer. Bigfoot is in the classic walking pose displayed in the Patterson-Gimlin footage; however this bigfoot is giving the peace symbol in a carefree sort of way. This design is not for the traditional Threadless.com competition but for one