FREE Printable Kawaii Easter Bunny Coupon Set
This is a fun bunny printable that we like to use in our home as weekend rewards and around spring break. This free printable kawaii Easter bunny coupon set includes 4 coupons to give to your kids as gifts or rewards for a job well done! Each coupon is for a simple but fun reward that is depicted by some cute little kawaii jelly bean bunnies. These include ideas like staying up late, a lunch date with Dad, picking what’s for dinner etc. Put them in Easter baskets, use them for party favors or give them away to your children whenever!
All four coupons print on one page from a pdf file, optimized for 8.5 x 11 paper. You will need some scissors or a cutting tool to cut out your individual tickets after printing them. You can download your free kawaii Easter bunny coupon set below.